New Publications for Water Management


The role of Decision Support Systems and Models in Integrated River Basin Management

This Technical Focus Paper provides for guidelines for elaborating and validating modelling/DSS tools to assist decision-makers in implementing IWRM. It is a joint knowledge product of GWP, UNEP-DHI Center, DHI and SIWI.

More Technical Focus Papers and GWP Technical Resources.


Manual para la GIRH en Cuencas Transfronterizas, Ríos, Lagos y Aquíferos

Handbook for Integrated Water Resources Management in the Basins of Transboundary Rivers, Lakes and Aquifers (GWP/INBO).

Available here in English, French and Spanish.

  TFP GWP-Plan Bleu FR

 La gestion de la demande en eau: L'experience méditerranéenne

Water Demand Management - The Mediterranean Experience (GWP and Plan Bleu)

More Technical Focus Papers and GWP Technical Resources.