Caribbean Ministers to Discuss Water and Energy

More than ten Government Ministers and senior officials with responsibility for water resources management in the Caribbean will meet at the 8th Annual High Level Session (HLS) Ministerial Forum on Water, to be held in The Bahamas on October 4th and 5th, 2012.

At the 8th HLS, Ministers will have the unique opportunity to share experiences and ideas for addressing regional water security issues in direct relation to increasing energy costs. The Ministerial Forum is a joint initiative of the Global Water Partnership-Caribbean (GWP-C) and its partner, the Caribbean Water and Wastewater Association (CWWA). It is an unmatched regional event, being the only meeting of Water Ministers in the Caribbean to date.

The 8th HLS aims to build on the outcomes of past sessions and will focus on the theme “The Water and Energy Nexus in Caribbean Development.” The inherent water-energy connection cannot be overlooked; as producing energy uses water and providing freshwater uses energy with both processes needed for sustainable development. Also critical to this nexus is that water and energy provision lie at the heart of climate compatible development. This year’s Forum therefore intends to carefully examine the interlinked risks of water security and energy security, and determine holistic ways of addressing them to ensure regional growth and sustainable development.

Read the full press release.