Caribbean Water Ministers Meet in Grenada to Discuss Regional Water Security

Caribbean Ministers of Water will meet to discuss water security at the Global Water Partnership-Caribbean’s (GWP-C) and the Caribbean Water and Wastewater Association’s (CWWA), 6th High Level Session (HLS) in Grenada on October 3rd and 4th, 2010.

The HLS brings together Caribbean Ministers and policy makers with responsibilities for water management with the aim of working toward the development of a regional approach to water sector management by the implementation of Integrated Water Resources Management (IWRM): an approach to managing water which reflects the need to achieve a balance among economic efficiency, social equity and environmental sustainability. The HLS which has been held annually since 2005 is the product of GWP-C and its partner the CWWA and forms part of the CWWA’s Annual Conference and Exhibition.

‘Water Crisis in the Caribbean: The IWRM Response’ is the theme of this year’s meeting which will take place under the auspices of the Honourable Joseph Gilbert, Minister of Works, Physical Development and Public Utilities of Grenada. At last year’s HLS held in St. Thomas, U.S. Virgin Islands, Minister Gilbert was among Caribbean Ministers of Water who supported the proposal to include water resource management as a key sector to be addressed at the highest political level in the region. He also endorsed the recommendation that a Regional Action Plan for Water, inclusive of IWRM strategies, be developed for the Caribbean.

The 6th HLS will examine key areas such as: the developmental impact of water crisis in the Caribbean; IWRM approaches to managing water crisis; development of drought management plans and policies; among other water resource issues affecting the Caribbean. The forum presents an opportunity to foster a high level of awareness and political support for water issues in the region.

This year’s event is being supported by the Global Environment Facility-Integrating Watershed and Coastal Area Management (GEF-IWCAM) Project which is facilitating the participation of one Minister from each of the Project’s participating islands; and the National Water and Sewerage Authority of Grenada (NAWASA) and the Grenada Solid Waste Management Authority (GSWMA) which have contributed to the local arrangements for the event.

In addition to Ministers, other participants expected to attend the 2010 HLS include representatives from the Caribbean Institute of Meteorology and Hydrology (CIMH); the Caribbean Community (CARICOM); the Caribbean Development Bank (CDB); the Inter-American Development Bank (IDB); the Caribbean Environmental Health Institute (CEHI); the Alliance of Small Island States (AOSIS); The University of the West Indies (UWI); the Food and Agriculture Organisation (FAO)-Guyana; among others.

For more information, contact:

Ms. Gabrielle Lee Look

GWP-C Communications Officer

Tel: +868 622 3117

Fax: +868 622 1589