GWP Caribbean Media Awards on Water

To raise awareness on sustainable water management in the Caribbean, and to commemorate the United Nations’ World Water Day (WWD) 2012 which is celebrated on March 22nd each year, GWP-C has established its first Media Awards on Water. The Awards aim to inspire Caribbean journalists to report more on regional water issues.

Competition Themes

With the 2012 WWD’s theme being “Water and Food Security” Caribbean journalists are asked to produce material on this theme or those outlined below:

Water in Crisis

Water Conservation

Water & Environment

Water for All

Water & Poverty

Water Use Efficiency in Agriculture

Water & Health

Climate Change

Water & Sanitation

Population Growth & Increased Demand for


Water Financing

Integrated Water Resources Management (IWRM)

The Media Awards on Water

  • The Awards are open to Caribbean journalists in the areas of print, television, radio and multimedia.
  • Submissions must be original material and published works within the period March 5th - April 10th, 2012 to be eligible to enter.
  • The submission deadline is April10th, 2012.
  • No entry fee is required.


The overall winner will receive a Cash Prize (in US$) and an Award. Prizes will also be awarded to notable entries in the various media categories.

Click on the links below to access full details on the Media Awards on Water. 

Media Awards on Water Flyer


Media Awards on Water Guidelines


Media Awards on Water Entry Form