GWP Caribbean Journalists' Network engages those outside the 'water box'

Members of the GWP Caribbean Journalists' Network are more concerned about water issues and more motivated to produce 'hard-hitting' stories on water-related topics than non-members. 

These journalists can be thought of as stakeholders 'outside of the water box' and are developing the capacity to share knowledge on water in different ways.

In 2010, GWP Caribbean, recognising the critical role of the media and its power in educating the public and getting the attention of decision-makers, made a concerted effort to engage better with the media when it hosted its first regional training workshop for journalists on IWRM. This led to the formation of the GWP Caribbean Journalists' Network. GWP Caribbean then went on to launch its first-ever Media Awards on Water in March 2012. The Media Awards were ground-breaking because it was the first time media practitioners in the Caribbean were directly encouraged to produce stories on water.