IWRM policy and roadmap for Guyana drafted by GWP Caribbean

GWP Caribbean offered to assist the Republic of Guyana in managing the country's water resources by developing an IWRM policy and roadmap, with the help of a consultant. Guyana has several existing policies which can be applied to water resources management; however, there is no single National Water Resources Management Policy for the country.

The Minister of Housing and Water had previously participated in several GWP Caribbean events such as the High Level Session and is a strong supporter of the IWRM approach. He was among Ministers who, in 2009, endorsed the need for integrated management of water resources at the regional level and for a greater focus on water at the political level through the Caribbean Community (CARICOM). Guyana welcomed the offer of support from GWP and agreed to the process. The draft policy and roadmap was to undergo cabinet review and endorsement in late 2011, but was delayed when a general election was called for November 2011.