Media workshops boost journalists' understanding of water issues

GWP Caribbean took a cue from the experiences of other Regional Water Partnerships – particularly GWP Central America and GWP West Africa – who have found that the media is one of the best channels for creating awareness about water issues among the general public.

GWP Caribbean kicked off by organising a workshop for media representatives in December 2010. This drew journalists from Antigua and Barbuda, Barbados, Cuba, Grenada, Guyana, Jamaica, St. Kitts and Nevis, and St. Vincent and the Grenadines, and introduced them to IWRM and how it relates to current issues such as climate change, health, food and disasters. Journalists who took part in the workshop subsequently wrote articles on, for example, rainwater harvesting, water pricing and water conservation, all important issues in the region. As well as the workshop, GWP began including journalists in capacity building activities to help them understand the issues so that they can report on them appropriately for audiences in their countries. This success in engaging the media on water issues has prompted the water authority in Trinidad and Tobago to ask GWP Caribbean to do more training for the media in 2011. The workshop itself led to the launch of a regional IWRM journalists' network.