Water Resources Information System developed in Suriname

The Suriname Water Resources Information System (SWRIS) Project has enhanced water resources management in the country. As well as the online information system, the project has developed a water video, a collection of hydro-meteorological field data, awareness programmes about water resources for primary and secondary schools, training, and academic courses at the BSc and MSc level.

The goal is to increase awareness of freshwater resources and to promote and foster human resources development in IWRM in Suriname. The project was implemented by the Anton de Kom University of Suriname (AdeKUS), a GWP Partner. In 2009 GWP Caribbean provided seed funds to support waterrelated activities at AdeKUS. With this, AdeKUS initiated some aspects of the project while it used GWP seed funding combined with the University's own funds, to leverage a substantial grant from the World Wildlife Fund of over US$100,000.