Approval of IWRM action plan paves way for realising Congo Basin potential

The approval of the IWRM Strategic Action Plan for the Congo Basin by the International Commission for the Congo-Oubangui-Sangha basin (CICOS) in late 2010 paves the way for realising the vast potential of the catchment.

GWP Central Africa has pursued this goal diligently, gradually influencing CICOS to shift from purely navigational issues to a broader IWRM approach, and garnering political support for structured basin management. The shift to an IWRM approach by CICOS encouraged donors to sponsor the development and validation of the Strategic Action Plan. The Plan has attracted financial support from the African Development Bank (AfDB), Gesellschaft für Technische Zusammenarbeit (GTZ) and other partners. Three of four GWP Central Africa Country Water Partnerships established so far, Cameroon, Congo and Central African Republic could be central in carrying the Strategy forward.