Central Africa adopts regional water policy

GWP Central Africa technical experts helped the Economic Community of Central African States (ECCAS) draft the regional water policy aligning country water policies within a coherent regional framework.

The experts analysed the water sectors in the countries, met with ECCAS to explain the results and offered guidance on an IWRM approach in the context of national development plans. The regional water policy was adopted by ECCAS heads of states and governments at their Kinshasa Summit in October.


Part of the implementation will be the creation of a specialised institution within ECCAS which will be responsible for water resources management. Financing from the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) IWRM programme enabled GWP Central Africa to provide support to develop the regional policy. This included outlining the institutions needed to implement the policy and developing a funding proposal. As a result, implementation is underway, financed by the African Water Facility (AfWF), the New Partnership for Africa's Development (NEPAD) and the Economic Community of Central African States (ECCAS). GWP Central Africa, working with ECCAS, is developing a mechanism for improving financing, based on studies carried out in four countries.