GWP planning tool supports Kribi port

GWP Central Africa supported the Cameroonian Ministry of Economy and Planning to carry out a one-year survey of the proposed site of a deep-water port at Kribi. GWP Central Africa developed a forward-looking planning and decision-support tool to help ensure more efficient land use, to preserve the integrity of the port facilities, and to aid natural resources management and the preservation of vital ecosystems. This work shows how IWRM principles can be put into practice at the local level, as part of a major infrastructure project.

This is an important recognition of GWP Central Africa's advocacy work in Cameroon. It builds on the Prime Minister's statement in 2009 that the government would adopt an integrated approach, and the appointment in September 2011 of the Chair of GWP Cameroon as Director of Water Resources in the Ministry of Energy and Water.

The total investment for the construction of the port is 360 million, which is, according to the Director of China Harbour Engineering Company-Cameroon, the "most important port investment in all of West and Central Africa". The Kribi port will facilitate the transport of iron ore, natural gas, oil, and aluminium, as well as agricultural products between Central African countries and the rest of the world. It is expected to be a major engine for the development of Cameroon and the Central African region as a whole.