New Step in Financing Water Sector in Central Africa

The Ministers in charge of water of the Member States of the Economic Community of Central African States (ECCAS) met on April 6, 2012, in Bangui, to discuss options for the establishment of a regional Water Resources Management Coordination Centre. One of the recommendations of the meeting was that the ECCAS General Secretariat, working together with GWP Central Africa and the Development Bank of Central African States (BDEAC), finalizes the strategic documents for water financing in Central Africa and submits them for adoption by ECCAS Members States.

As a result, the strategic paper on water financing in Central Africa and the feasibility study for a Regional Solidarity Fund for Water (FORSEAU), both developed by GWP Central Africa, were sent to the ECCAS General Secretariat. On May 18, 2012, ECCAS requested support from GWP Central Africa and BDEAC for the finalization and implementation of these documents for water financing in Central Africa.

The strategic paper on water financing in Central Africa and the feasibility study for a Regional Solidarity Fund for Water were developed by GWP Central Africa in partnership with the ECCAS General Secretariat as a contribution to the implementation of the Regional Water Policy, adopted by ECCAS Heads of State and Government in Kinshasa, October 24, 2009. It seeks to answer how financial resources can be found to:

  • achieve the water and sanitation-related Millennium Development Goals in Central Africa
  • effectively meet the financial needs of the various water-related activities so that water resources are used, developed and managed for equitable and sustainable poverty reduction, socio-economic development, regional integration and environmental protection.

The support provided by GWP Central Africa will focus on key aspects of the operationalization of the Regional Solidarity Fund for Water, which aims to pool resources from various donors to finance water infrastructure and activities facilitating investments in the water and sanitation sector in Central Africa. The ECCAS General Secretariat plans to organize a working meeting with GWP Central Africa and BDEAC during October 2012, in Brazzaville, Congo, towards finalization and implementation of the documents.