New regional and country water partnerships

In line with GWP’s strategy to create and strengthen Regional Water Partnerships (RWPs), a multi-year process came to fruition on 29th November 2008, when a new RWP was set up: GWP Central Africa (GWP-CAf). It is based in Yaounde, Cameroon, and has over 100 partners.

Fishiing, CameroonGWP-CAf is establishing a Regional Documentation Centre on Water. And, in order to consolidate its existence, GWP-CAf is developing a regional financing mechanism that will include the creation of a Regional Solidarity Fund for Water (FORSEAU). This fund targets stakeholders from different disciplines within the region, as well as external donors and development partners.

A regional workshop, targeting trainers from tertiary institutions in the region, aimed to introduce IWRM courses into academic curricula. This was achieved in the University of Dschang (Cameroon), where courses began in 2008. Experts from GWP-CAf facilitated this change in the university’s curriculum and initiated the delivery of courses.

The University of Kinshasa is also working in this direction. GWP-CAf has four Country Water Partnerships, three of which were launched in 2008: Congo in May, Central African Republic in July, and Sao Tome and Principe in October. IWRM country teams are in place to begin the process of developing national IWRM plans. GWP-CAf is expected to lobby development partners to facilitate this process through the provision of the necessary funds.