Dialogue on climate change policy kicks off

In 2010 the El Salvador Ministry of Environment started to prepare a climate change policy. GWP El Salvador and the National Foundation for Development (FUNDE), with financial support from Lutheran World Relief (LWR), arranged national consultations to encourage an exchange of ideas between the government and other stakeholders on a national climate change policy.

In June 2010 consultations kicked off with three regional workshops attended by more than 200 representatives of municipal and national government, NGOs and water user associations. The workshops, organised by GWP El Salvador, helped participants appreciate the challenges presented by climate change. They had the opportunity to exchange information, and propose ways they could adapt and become less vulnerable to climate change. GWP El Salvador arranged an event to publicise the outcomes of the workshops. One key outcome was that FUNDE and LWR officials undertook to incorporate the results of the consultations in the national climate change policy.