GWP Costa Rica Facilitates Dialogues on Water Levy

Costa Rica is making progress in expanding access to water supply and sanitation, but the sector faces challenges when it comes to sanitation connections, poor service quality, and low cost recovery.

Costa RicaIn response, GWP Costa Rica the National Financing Forestry Fund (FONAFIFO), the Ministry of Environment, Energy and Telecommunications (MINAET) and the National System of Conservation Areas (SINAC) jointly organised a workshop to reactivate the Implementation Commission of the Levy for Water Use. It involved the policy and regulatory agencies of the Costa Rican water and sanitation sector.

“GWP Costa Rica has supported the process since the beginning. This support has facilitated a new working agreement and initiated broader collaboration to strengthen the use of this economic instrument,” said Mr. José Miguel Zeledón, Water Director of Costa Rica. Read more.

In most of the country regions, water production capacity is very close to current demand, so the risk of facing water deficits in the near future is high and in fact, various cities already suffer from water shortages and rationing. In 2005, only about 70 % of the population received water of potable quality. Furthermore, 96% of all urban wastewater collected is discharged into rivers and receiving bodies without any treatment, generating public health risks and water resources contamination.

Mr. Zeledón mentioned that one important result of the workshop was the anticipated coordination between FONAFIFO, MINAET and SINAC. The workshop resulted in a shared agenda over specific responsibilities and the definition of joint efforts in the management of illegal uses, improvements in collection and application of the funds for regulatory purposes.