GWP IWRM ToolBox Introduced in Armenia

GWP conducted a training course on the “Application of the GWP IWRM ToolBox” at the Yerevan State University in Armenia, 25-26 April 2012. One of the main purposes of the training was to demonstrate how the GWP IWRM ToolBox can be used in university curricula.

The training had 18 attendees from Armenia, mainly professors of Yerevan State University, Armenian State Agriculture University, Armenian governmental agencies and GWP Armenia. Two participants from the Technical University of Georgia, a neighbor country,  were also invited to the training . The aims of the 2 days training were:

  • to introduce GWP ToolBox to participants from educational institutions
  • to illustrate the application of ToolBox for training and capacity building programs
  • to disseminate and share experience on IWRM application in Caucasus and Central Asia and other GWP regions
  • to encourage professors of universities to develop IWRM curricula based on the Toolbox

The training was organised at the initiative of Yerevan State University which plans to include IWRM training and the GWP ToolBox into the programme of a Masters Course. At the end of the training, all participants were requested to provide a feedback, in order to learn lessons and applicability in other countries (regions). The report and all presentations are available here.