IWRM approach applied in Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan and Uzbekistan

National IWRM visions, resulting from a ten-year pilot project in the Fergana Valley based on GWP's concept of IWRM, have been approved, adopted and released by the national water authorities. 

The project, funded by the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation, involved several levels of water management from end users and the old on-farm networks to main canals and small transboundary river basins. The focus at each level was on equitable water allocation and public supervision.

A water productivity sub-project provided an operational assessment of irrigated farming and promoted economically beneficial solutions. Interaction between partners in different countries resulted in a new management system for international collaboration on projects. The project resulted in a clearer understanding of the integrated approach among water professionals and stakeholders. Over 5,000 water and agricultural specialists were trained with support from GWP CACENA.