Saving the Aral Sea

A regional process to save the Aral Sea has resulted in an “Action Plan for the realization of the Decisions of the Presidents” of Kazakhstan, the Kyrgyz Republic, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, and Uzbekistan.

The next step is to submit a final action plan in June, with implementation planned for 2011. GWP CACENA, in coordination with the Board of the International Fund for the Aral Sea Saving (IFAS), contributes to the process through technical expertise from GWP Partners and GWP knowledge publications. There is potential for GWP CACENA to be the key driver for capacity development and regional stakeholder participation in the development of the action plan.

Aral Sea is shrinking

(Image shows from left to right the shrinking of the Aral Sea from 1973 to 2009)

For more information about areas that will be addressed in the action plan. The Aral Sea today is now two separate lakes with a volume of water of about 9% of what it was in 1960.