Water utilities seek assistance

At a regional meeting of the Uzbekistan Central Asia and South Caucasus Water Utilities Network (CASCWUN), held in Tashkent in March 2008, representatives of 14 water utilities from seven CACENA countries signed an agreement on the network’s statutes and a programme of joint activities for 2008–2009.

Flowing water

GWP CACENA and the Asian Development Bank provided support to these water operators for the meeting and for network formation. GWP CACENA is now working to secure technical assistance grants for a follow-up programme.

As part of the International Year of Sanitation 2008, GWP CACENA initiated national reviews of the state of water supply and sanitation in each of the region’s eight countries. These national reviews will be published in a summary report for presentation at an interregional GWP meeting in Kiev in May 2009.