Flagship projects for European Union Strategy for Danube Region

GWP Romania participated at the Bucharest Business Forum at the World Trade Center, Bucharest, Romania on 18-19 October 2010. The goal was to offer a discussion platform for all stakeholders interested in developing flagship projects within the EU Strategy for Danube Region through Strategic Partnerships at European macro regional level.

It was mentioned that all three pillars - socio- economic issues, environment and connectivity - are equally important within the Danube Strategy.

In order to make the Danube Strategy workable and affordable, all main obstacles need to be eliminated through consultation process and participation of interested stakeholder groups.

During the discussions in the Panel A “Forest and Water” it was mentioned that in the Forest & Water management – Vision for 2010 the theme considered and used was Innovative and Sustainable Use of Resources.

GWP Romania and also other NGO representatives underlined importance IWRM application together with the land management planning especially in addressing new challenges such as Climate Change and Adaptation

“This will require multiple resources, expertise and power to implement the actions and measures included in different programmes and plans”, said Liviu Nicolae Popescu, GWP Romania and GWP CEE Chair.

The final format of EU Strategy for Danube Region will be finally discussed on 8 November in Bucharest in the presence of European Commission President José Manuel Barroso and other Commissioners.

The issues and principles of IWRM were included as a distinct chapter with regard to water and ecological resources at river basin management level, after a number of interventions during the series of conferences held in the period of January until August.

In the future, main issue will be to include these principles in projects and Actions Plans together with financial resources.

For more information, contact GWP Romania, e-mail: lipopesc@gmail.com.