GWP CEE Welcomes Progress in Danube’s Water Quality

The International Commission for the Protection of the Danube River (ICPDR) issued a news release in September to announce the scientific results of the Joint Danube Survey 2 (JDS2) –“possibly the world’s biggest river research expedition ever.” The survey indicates that “the Danube and its tributaries are becoming cleaner,” said the release.

“The findings confirm that the cooperation among Danube countries to reduce pollution is bringing positive results. Progress has been made in many areas since the Joint Danube Survey 1 of 2001. Water quality is generally improving, but more work is needed. People can swim in parts of the Danube River Basin, but not everywhere. People can eat fish without health risk, but further investigation of mercury concentrations is needed in some areas,” the release said.

The Global Water Partnership (GWP) in Central and Eastern Europe (CEE) has a keen interest in addressing the Danube’s water resources issues. “The GWP has mobilized its partners to promote a holistic/integrated approach on how to deal with Danube's water resources issues,” said Bjorn Guterstam, GWP Network Officer for CEE. Monika Jetzin from GWP Hungary organised the first ICPDR Stakeholder meeting and is a member of ICPDR Public Participation Expert Group. She coordinates GWP involvement in Danube Day celebrations. During JDS2, Danube Water Partnerships organised press events in cooperation with national governments to promote the unique boat expedition. GWP CEE is an inclusive platform for organizations promoting the practical implementation of Integrated Water Resources Management (IWRM). GWP CEE facilitates processes for change by encouraging all those involved in water to work together towards more sustainable water resources development, management and use.

More info on the Joint Danube Survey 2.