GWP at the Ministerial Meeting

The GWPO Network Officer Mr. Bjorn Guterstam, accompanied by GWP CEE Chair Mr. Liviu Nicolae Popescu, presented the statement on behalf of observer organizations to ICPDR at the Ministerial Meeting on 16 February in Vienna, Austria. At the meeting, Ministers endorsed detailed actions for environmental protection in the Danube River Basin.

The GWP CEE statement made at the Ministerial Meeting

I want to work. This was strife enough,
having to own up to the past
by the Danube, whose gentle waves
embrace past, present and tomorrow.
It is time to work together at last
on our affairs in common – no small task.
(By the Danube: Attila József, 1936)

The verse above can be the motto for the co-operation between Global Water Partnership Central and Eastern Europe and ICPDR since 2001 when GWP CEE got the observer status. From the outset, GWP was conceived as a partnership among organizations interested in sustainable water resources development. Instead of a formal, intergovernmental agency, GWP was created as a “reinforced network” characterized by shared values, perceptions and objectives of the partners, informality, flexibility and a minimum of rules and bylaws, emphasis on professionalism and scientific excellence, voluntary membership, costeffectiveness, and a philosophy of decentralization and shared responsibilities in response to common objectives. Co-operation between GWP CEE and the ICPDR started already prior to the Second World Water Forum. Besides the shared values regarding integrated water resources management (IWRM), the emerging responsibility of the international community resulted in the participation in projects and programmes related to the Danube River Basin and the Black Sea.

GWP CEE through its members and Country Water Partnerships actively participated in the Danube Day celebrations, the national Danube Art Master competitions and had an important role in popularization of Joint Danube Survey and its results. The recently finished Danube River Basin Management Plan and its Joint Programme of Measures is a driven force for GWP CEE countries towards the results expected by 2015. The achievements of ICPDR are increasingly recognized beyond the borders of the Danube basin and GWP CEE is proud of having the possibility and the appropriate network to share this excellent example of trans-boundary water management with regions and countries all over the world.