Guidelines for Water Management

Located in the Baltic Sea Basin, water quality management is one of the Poland's key issues, creating problems for people’s livelihoods and the environment. Due to year-to-year variability in its water resources, devastating floods and local water scarcities are frequent. 

The European Union provides policy frameworks for cooperation and management of water resources. The project “Continuation of the Implementation of the Water Framework Directive” was carried out in joint efforts by both Polish and French experts who are faced with issues of implementing the Water Framework Directive (WFD) in their respective countries at national, regional or basin level.

The Polish-French Twinning Project resulted in the completion of guidelines and recommendations for the management of the Upper Vistula basin in Poland. The finalised guideline documents, recommendations and methodologies are expected to provide a basis for efficient implementation of the Water Framework Directive in Poland in the future.

GWP Poland promotes the principles of IWRM and provides a forum for bringing water stakeholders together for knowledge exchange and implementation of action programs, and was instrumental in the process where tests and risk assessment for surface water, groundwater and coastal waters were conducted and co-operation between different stakeholders within basin borders were mobilized. A wide public consultation was organised to share experiences and to establish a mechanism to exchange and share information to the interested parties. This has enabled the Regional Offices for Water Management to develop guidelines regarding different aspects of management.

Read the full case study in the GWP ToolBox.