Ukraine Environmental Strategy includes IWRM

In December 2010, the National Environmental Strategy of the Ukraine was adopted by the Ukrainian parliament and contains a component on water management. In 2009, Ukraine decided to revise its main water planning document in accordance with European Union laws and the EU’s Water Framework Directive even though the country is not a member of the EU.

The result, known as the National Targeted Program for Water Management Development, defined a strategy for developing Ukraine’s water management system. GWP Ukraine led an assessment of this document and noted that, among other things, the program lacked an integrated approach. Results were presented at public hearings and submitted to the authorities and the National Targeted Program was not approved.

Following the assessment, GWP Ukraine, working with other NGOs, pushed for the inclusion of an Integrated Water Resources Management (IWRM) approach and the strategy now calls for “reform of the state management of the water sector by implementing IWRM on the basin level.”

Read the Case Study for more about the process.