World Water Day in Slovenia

International organization Humanitas organized a conference "Water as a Global Challenge" on March 18 in Ljubljana, Slovenia.

The conference was held in frame of European Campaign "WATER: Water Access through Empowerment of Rights" that seeks recognition of the right to water for all.

Slovenian minister of Foreign Affairs, Mr. Samuel Zbogar had the key note introductive speech.

A well known Slovenian human rights activist Mr. Tomo Kriznar who has worked in Darfur and Sudan, presented a turbulent struggle for water, which was in fact one of the basic reasons for conflicts there.

During the expert panel, Martina Zupan from GWP Slovenija, had a presentation on GWP activities and main weaknesses related to the process of river basin management plans preparation in Slovenia from civil society point of view.

Interestingly, Slovenian Ministry of Foreign Affairs has become a leading governmental body in raising public awareness in water issues.

For more information, Martina Zupan, GWP Slovenija and GWP CEE Regional Council member, e-mail: