Evaluating IWRM in the Yellow River Basin

The Yellow River is the second-longest river in China, providing water for 140 million people and irrigating 74,000 km² of land. 

But the Yellow River Basin often faces a water shortage problem.

The Yellow River Research Council, GWP China Yellow River and GWP China jointly sponsored a Dialogue on IWRM for the Yellow River Basin in November 2012 in Zhengzhou, Henan Province. About 100 participants from over 40 organisations exchanged ideas and shared practices on implementing IWRM in the Yellow River Basin. They concluded that the IWRM approach is helping to reduce water shortages, the uneven distribution of water, and conflict between water supply and demand. It is promoting sustainable development. It is promoting one of the central government's top priorities and is helping ensure a regular flow of the river. But as IWRM in the Yellow River is in the pilot project phase, there is still a long way to go to achieve the final goal.