High-level roundtable takes on water and sanitation

In the context of the 2008 International Year of Sanitation, GWP China organised its 7th High- Level Roundtable Meeting.

 Its aims were to facilitate policy on safe drinking water, speed up the development of rural sanitation, and promote cooperation among relevant sectors on water and sanitation issues.

The meeting was held in Beijing on 8th April and was co-organised with the United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF), United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO), the EU Delegation to China, the UK Department for International Development (DFID) and the Chinese Hydraulic Engineering Society. Over 100 representatives from governmental agencies, the private sector, research institutions, UN organisations and civil society stakeholders participated.

The neutral platform provided by GWP China enabled this rare gathering of senior leaders from all key ministries. Delegates reached a consensus on the need to focus on providing safe drinking water and improved sanitation, and on continued financing. Participants also stressed that better coordination of activities among respective sectors and stakeholders – including international organisations – is key to attaining the UN MDGs.