IWRM implementation in Fujian Province

The Fujian Provincial Water Resources Department has found that establishing Water Users Associations (WUAs) is one of the best approaches to improving the integrated management of small-scale water projects in rural areas.

Since 2006, GWP China Fujian has worked with the Department in organising WUA workshops and has facilitated the implementation of a new policy for countryside development.

In October 2009, about 100 participants from various cities and counties met for one WUA workshop. Local organisers arranged on-site visits to enable participants to discuss issues with farmers. Such meetings foster an integrated approach at the grassroots level and help the water sector become more sustainable.

The numbers tell the story: last year saw 1,568 WUAs set up in rural areas with a total of 2,128 established to date. The Fujian WUA organisations are an innovative experiment in rural development and a first step in achieving the new vision for the countryside promoted by GWP China. Through leveraging reliable delivery of water, they link better water management to increased productivity and rural incomes.