IWRM planning in Weihe River Basin

GWP China and GWP China Shaanxi have been involved in the planning process of the Weihe River Basin Integrated Management Plan. The Weihe River Basin Integrated Management Plan addresses several water challenges and aims to establish a sound foundation for the effective development and protection of water resources in the region.

The main achievement of the planning process may however be the improvements in public participation – about twenty departments were participating in the planning process and the related information was reported by the media. This ensured stakeholders’ rights to know, to comment, and to participate, and achieved positive social effects. The process also changed the previous understanding that water issues were only discussed by the “water sector”

The Weihe River is the mother river of the Guanzhong region in Shaanxi Province. Since ancient times it has played an important role in the development of Shaanxi, but in recent years, due to fast economic development, many problems have arised. Water scarcity, water pollution and regional ecological environment deterioration have seriously constrained the socio-economic development of the region.

A longer summary and full case study is available at the GWP ToolBox.