Policy needs for IWRM identified in China

Participants at the High-Level Roundtable on Water Resources Management System Development in China, organised in April 2012 by GWP China, discussed the setting up of a water resources management system with well-defined duties, rights and responsibilities, standard and collaborative operations, and coordination mechanisms for river basin and regional development, using the IWRM approach.

The conclusions were that China is facing water scarcity and water pollution; the central government's policy document on Reform and Development in the Water Sector is not being fully implemented; a water resources management system must involve different sectors; monitoring of water resources, the environment and lake and river health is essential; and international cooperation and knowledge sharing is needed.

There were over 140 participants from the key water-related ministries under the State Council, the Ministry of Water Resources, UN organisations, foreign embassies, universities, research institutes and NGOs.