Post-quake Lessons in China

In an effort to boost disaster control and prevention in the aftermath of the Sichuan earthquake on May 12, 2008, GWP China proposed and the UK’s Department for International Development (DFID) funded the project, “Evaluation of Post-quake Rural Water Supply Facilities and Capacity Building.”

The objective of the project was to summarize experiences of post-quake restoration and strengthen management skills through technical support and training courses. On July 8-9, 2010, a Summary Meeting was held in Sichuan Province to summarize the outcomes of the project.

China summary meetingOver 100 people participated – from the Ministry of Water Resources, Mott MacDonald Ltd. on behalf of DFID, GWP China, Sichuan and Shaanxi project management offices, and four pilot counties.

The project found that:

  1. Overall planning is needed for reconstruction with particular consideration of the local conditions;
  2. More energy should be invested into capacity building, including training;
  3. Full play should be given to the post-quake rehabilitation process of NGOs and international organizations;
  4. Long-term, effective mechanisms for preventing and fighting against natural disasters should be set up.

Prior to this concluding meeting, a related course was held on June 11, 2010, where 130 people participated. Most came from water-related departments of Shaanxi Province, water supply stations and relevant management staff at village level. On behalf of GWP China, Ms. Ma Yilin, Programme Officer of GWP China Secretariat, participated. The training content covered the operation and management of rural safe drinking water supply facilities, water pipelines and rural safe drinking water management systems. By means of interactive lecturing, the trainers introduced key points on designing and implementing water supply projects and recommended textbooks regarding rural water supply.