Concrete actions identified on private sector participation

To involve the private sector more in developing water infrastructure, GWP Mediterranean continued with national assessments and multi-stakeholder dialogues. These were run within the framework of MED EUWI and the GEF MedPartnership, and in close collaboration with the Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD).

In Lebanon, the national assessment was completed in collaboration with the Ministry of Energy and Water and resulted in a concrete set of recommendations for followup actions. Based on this work, inputs were provided for the National Water Sector Strategy by the Ministry (following approval by the Cabinet) as well as the IWRM Plan which is under development. In Tunisia, the national assessment was launched during a multi-stakeholder consultation meeting in collaboration with the Ministry of Agriculture and Environment. Based on the results achieved in Egypt and Lebanon and the on-going work in Tunisia, a proposal for a regional programme to address a number of countries and interventions has been developed together with OECD and the Secretariat of the Union for the Mediterranean (UfM). This will be submitted to UfM Senior Officials (Ministries of Foreign Affairs) in the first half of 2012.