Knowledge exchange reinforced on transboundary water resources management

The Sixth Session of the Meeting of the Parties to the UNECE Convention on the Protection and Use of Transboundary Watercourses and International Lakes was held in Rome in November 2012. 

Aiming to contribute to the exchange of knowledge and experience among countries in the north and the south of the Mediterranean, the International Roundtable on Transboundary Water Resources Management in the Southern Mediterranean, co-organised by GWP Mediterranean, was held back-to-back with the UN Economic Commission for Europe meeting.

The Roundtable provided a platform for discussion on transboundary water resources management across the Mediterranean. Cases for promoting transboundary cooperation were identified, including the case of the Medjerda River (shared between Algeria and Tunisia) where support was requested to enhance bilateral cooperation.

The significant added value of meetings such as the Roundtable was stressed and the co-organisers were encouraged to follow up the Roundtable with additional meetings in the near future.