Knowledge shared among stakeholders on transboundary waters

Continuing a process launched in 2006, GWP Mediterranean organised four regional workshops during 2011 aimed at enriching knowledge, enhancing experience-sharing and strengthening capacity building on issues relating to transboundary water resources management in south-eastern Europe.

The workshops addressed provisions of the Water Framework Directive for environmental integration, flood management, climate change adaptation within a transboundary context (led by UNECE), and ways to connect science and policy making. A total of around 130 targeted participants, representing a range of stakeholders, benefited from the events. Furthermore, a Regional Roundtable was held in Zagreb in December, which took stock of five years of policydialogue and capacity building on transboundary waters in south-eastern Europe that GWP Mediterranean has been facilitating in the framework of the Petersberg/ Athens Process. It also assessed current needs and plans for the future, providing guidance for the coming years of action.