Networking among Mediterranean journalists reinforced

In 2010 GWP Mediterranean and the Mediterranean Information Office for Environment, Culture and Sustainable Development continued, for the eighth year, to feed information and material on water issues and processes in the region to members of the Circle of Mediterranean Journalists for Environment and Sustainable Development (COMJESD).

COMJESD has more than 50 members and covers 18 Mediterranean countries. The annual COMJESD Meeting was held alongside the meeting of the Circle of Mediterranean Parliamentarians for Sustainable Development on 15 December, in Cairo. The focus was on developments in key regional processes, particularly the Union for the Mediterranean (UfM) Strategy for Water in the Mediterranean, the Euro-Med Horizon 2020 Initiative to de-pollute the Mediterranean and the GEF Strategic Partnership for the Mediterranean. Ninety parliamentarians, media and stakeholders representing nearly all Mediterranean countries took part in the two events.