Political tensions sink Mediterranean water strategy

The 4th Euro-Mediterranean Ministerial Conference on Water failed to adopt a comprehensive and urgently needed Strategy for Water in the Mediterranean because of a failure to compromise on the wording of two key political issues: the reference or not to ‘occupied territories’ and the reference or not to the UN Convention on the Non-Navigational Uses of International Watercourses.

The outcome was unfortunate given that the 43 countries of the Union for the Mediterranean had agreed on the entire content of the draft Ministerial Declaration and on almost all of the Strategy text.


GWP Mediterranean provided technical and administrative support to the formal process and its political partners, a contribution that was recognised by Spain, the host country of the Ministerial Conference the GWP-Med Secretariat has provided an excellent support to the Spanish Directorate General for Water in all the related tasks’ and ‘has granted advice when needed, has actively participated in the technical contents of the document and has facilitated the logistics…. In summary, your support and friendship have been very useful and fully appreciated by all of us.” The conference took place in Barcelona on April 13 2010.