The next phase, on implementation, includes another meeting in July in Bogotá during which the drafts of the manual and the syllabus for the first training workshop will be shared and discussed, and adjustments will be made.The process to build the Programme began in April 2013 in Bogota, where a meeting was held with the GWP South America partners and allies involved in this initiative. Key elements of this proposal were discussed and agreed upon, including objectives, contents of the manual and the course, as well as possible workshop facilitators/ trainers. This was the inception phase of the process.
The first training workshop will take place in October 2013 at the Universidad del Externado in Colombia. GWP South America launched the process to build the Programme and partners and allies of GWP South America currently participating in it are: Universidad Externado de Colombia, CapNet-LawetNet, Universidad de Costa Rica, Universidad Gabriela Mistral (Chile), Dundee University, the National Water Authority of Brazil and the International Union for Conservation of Nature. Through this initiative, GWP South America will encourage improved transboundary cooperation and support national governments in the development of future legislative frameworks in order to ultimately facilitate good water governance in Latin America and improve resilience to climate variability. The above will also promote national, regional and inter-regional cooperation through knowledge exchange. The proposed five day workshops will be tailored to participants involved in the management of international watercourses in Latin America, mainly officials who have the capacity to influence decision-making processes on this matter in their home countries.

Latin American Training Programme on Water Legislation for International River Basins
GWP South America is working on the implementation of a new Latin American Training Programme on Water Legislation for International River Basins. This programme aims to encourage improved international cooperation and facilitate good water governance in the region. Its main outputs will be three training workshops, a manual to support training processes and a monitoring report which will identify knowledge gaps, capacity needs, lessons learned and follow-up needs.