Social Inclusion in Water Management in Peru

GWP Peru has supported the launch of the country’s national water law translated into five indigenous languages. The initiative aims to democratize the information by making it available to rural and indigenous communities so that they can contribute to national water management.

The launch took place on 12 November at the Congress of the Republic in Lima, with the participation of the Vice President of Peru, the Chair of the Congress of the Republic, legislators, the Peruvian Water Authority ANA and the Chair of GWP Peru. Peruvian GWP partners and representatives of NGOs, governmental entities and national universities witnessed the event.

The water law, translated into indigenous languages for the first time, will be distributed by ANA to all users – associations, officials, educators, students and rural communities across the country – through training workshops and awareness-raising programmes.

According to linguistic studies, about 5 million people speak Quechua in Peru, half a million speak Aymara and 600,000 communicate in Amazonian languages. The law was translated into Chanka, Collao Quechua, Awajún, Ashaninka, and Aymara.

"For the Amazonian-Andean communities water is a fundamental component of divine nature, respect and veneration. However, there is a lot of misinformation about its protection. This document may change this reality and contribute to the efficient management of water resources", said Jorge Montenegro, Head of ANA.

The launch event

Photo: Launch of the Peruvian water law in 5 native languages (From left to right): Washington Córdoba (ANA); Hilaria Supa (member of the Congress); Marisol Espinoza (Vice president of Peru); Fredy Otárola (Chair of the Congress of the Republic); Jorge Luis Montenegro (Head of ANA); Oscar Benavides (mayor of a local municipality); Franciso Dumler (Secretary-general of ANA and Chair of GWP Peru).

Top photo: The five translated versions.