GWP India restructures for greater effectiveness

In 2008, GWP India stakeholders agreed to establish Zonal Water Partnerships (ZWPs) so that IWRM could be made effective at the state as well as at the local and community level. This move was taken in light of India’s huge and diverse population, and multiple state identities, conditions and priorities that meant the country should be treated in similar conceptual terms to a region. The country established six ZWPs with strong governance structures that enable stakeholders to address particular issues. The zones are not based on rigid administrative boundaries, but configured according to hydrological units, so there is scope to address local contexts and issues that have inter-zonal implications. Membership in the zones covers about 150 cross-sectoral institutions. Some ZWPs include members of the GWP India board, allowing zones to highlight priority issues at the national level. As a first activity, the ZWPs helped generate information relating to inter-state water sharing and best practices in conflict resolution.