Gender Awareness in Bangladesh

Gender equity and women’s empowerment in water resources management is one of the cornerstones of the Dublin-Rio principles on which the GWP network is founded, and is accepted as one of the essential pillars to poverty eradication and sustainable development.

To look at these issues, 63 participants attended a workshop on “Gender Awareness & Networking on Integrated Water Resources Management at Basin Level” on 28 November 2012.

The workshop was organized by the Center for Environmental and Geographic Information Services (CEGIS), Bangladesh Women & Water Network (BWWN), and GWP Bangladesh in Shunamganj under the auspices of the Surma Area Water Partnership

A presentation on the “IWRM Concepts & its Application:  Bangladesh Perspective” outlined:

  • Definition & Concepts of IWRM
  • Why IWRM?
  • Integration of IWRM in Various Sector
  • Chronological History of IWRM
  • Principles of IWRM
  • Driving Forces & Challenges of IWRM
  • Water Management System in Bangladesh 
  • Future challenges, prospects & vision of IWRM
  • Lessons learned

A paper on “Mainstreaming Gender on IWRM” presented:

  • Gender Concepts
  • Gender & Development: Role of Government of Bangladesh
  • Gender & Water: Government’s Policy
  • Concept of IWRM and application of Gender
  • Women’s employment for Economic Development
  • Important issues to ensure women’s active participation and development
  • Gender, Water & Networking


Gender was in focus when a GWP delegation participated in the “International Conference on Fresh Water Governance for Sustainable Development” in KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa, on 5-7 November 2012. Read reports from the event here.