New Framework agreed for GWP cooperation with Asian Development Bank

Representatives of the Asian Development Bank (ADB) and the Global Water Partnership (GWP) met in New Delhi on 2-3 November 2009 to review past cooperation activities and to set a new framework for future collaborative work.

The ADB team was led by Arjun Thapan, Director General of the ADB’s Southeast Asia Department and comprised specialists from the ADB East Asia Department. The GWP team was led by Martin Walshe, Deputy Executive Secretary and comprised representatives from GWP South Asia and Southeast Asia Regions and GWP Stockholm (attendance list below).

GWP and ADB representativesThe meeting discussed current and prospective work programs on both sides and agreed a framework program of cooperation. The principal elements of this framework are:

• An agreement to exchange lists and contact details of staff engaged in Water at country level that would facilitate the initial introduction and dialogue on possible joint work (a list of countries where this may be possible was provided by ADB). The intention is that ADB and GWP will selectively work on country water sector reviews, sector analysis, and project/program preparatory work.

• An agreement for ADB and GWP to connect at the knowledge level through the GWP Technical Committee – this will help in the outlining of a specific knowledge development program.

• Joint work on (i) a proposed Asian Water Information System, and (ii) a regional IWRM capacity building initiative, (iii) a discrete IWRM capacity building program for ADB staff, (iv) the proposed ADB Water Event for 2010, (v) water operators partnerships pursued at the regional level , and (vi) a staff secondment to ADB from GWP.

It was agreed that progress of work developed as a consequence of the country level dialogue, and work specifically indicated in the framework program of cooperation at Annex 4, would be reviewed semi-annually by both sides through a videoconference meeting. An annual review meeting would be held on the sidelines of the Stockholm International Water Week.

The ADB and GWP wishes to express their appreciation to the ADB India Resident Mission which facilitated its discussions and extended generous courtesies. It also wishes to thank GWP South Asia Water Partnership for offering to host the meeting in New Delhi.