Urban flood risk management framework developed for Dhaka city

GWP Bangladesh has developed a flood risk management framework for Dhaka city, focusing on urban flooding in the north of the city. The study synthesized information from previous plans, programmes, reports and the scientific literature.

Dhaka experiences about 2,000 mm of rainfall a year, of which almost 80 percent falls during the monsoon. The city has become more vulnerable to urban flooding over recent years as its drainage capacity has decreased alarmingly due to unauthorised settlements and illegal occupation of wetlands. The western part of the city is protected from river flooding by an embankment. During most of the monsoon period, the water level in the river remains higher than that inside the city. Hence, drainage of water by gravity flow is not always possible. GWP Bangladesh has recommended the installation of drainage pumps to facilitate and improve storm water drainage. It should be noted that an effective strategic framework for flood risk management has been developed with very modest financial and technical support from other government and non-government organisations.