GWP Myanmar Raises Awareness on Water Cooperation

GWP Myanmar (MmWP) held an open discussion on the needs of water cooperation among water users on 8 November. The aim was to help shape the water resources management in the region.

The discussion, which was held in Yangon, identified common management problems related to poor coordination and communication, as well as a lack of cooperation among different water uses. It was agreed that failures in cooperation can cause social and ecological disasters.

Thirty-two participants from 16 different government organizations attended the event; among them representatives of MmWP, the Irrigation Department, and the Ministry of Agriculture and Irrigation. Six participants were from four NGOs and other social organizations.

The different water users actively participated in the discussion and agreed to share their knowledge gained from the dialogue. Most of the participants knew that water management can reduce the risk of disasters, such as droughts and floods. They also acknowledged that water cooperation is vital for peace, and that it should be an integrated part of natural and social sciences, education, culture and communication.

They all agreed that cooperation in water management, together with comprehensive and mutual respect and understanding, can be built to promote security and sustainable economic growth.

This open dialogue can be found in ‘Dialogue News’, broadcast in both Myanmar and English on Myanmar Radio and Television website.

Photo: The participants