GWP South Asia and WIN Sign Agreement

In July 2010 GWP South Asia conducted a 3-day dialogue and training workshop with the Water Integrity Network (WIN) during which they explored areas of possible strategic cooperation and were also exposed to water integrity methods, tools and materials.

Water integrity is part of GWP South Asia’s five-year work programme and three countries are currently at different levels of cooperating with WIN. GWP Sri Lanka has realised considerable outcomes from their cooperation with WIN which can be found on their website:

At the WIN-GWP meeting, representatives from GWP South Asia(GWP-SAS) and six Country Water Partnerships (Bangladesh, Bhutan, India, Nepal, Pakistan and Sri Lanka) participated and agreed that:

1. GWP-SAS and the representatives of the Country Water Partnerships (CWPs) agreed that water integrity was an important issue to be addressed in partnership with WIN.

2. GWP- SAS would facilitate networking, knowledge sharing, toolbox development, etc.

3. CWPs would implement, in partnership with other actors where necessary, action programs, coalition building, advocacy, capacity building, diagnostics, fundraising, etc.

4. CWPs would work with WIN, keeping GWP-SAS informed, on their programs and specific areas of cooperation and facilitation support required from WIN.

5. WIN would consider these needs and requirements and would set priorities according to its capacities.

6. WIN would explore practical steps in providing the necessary support by:

  • Addressing the need to provide training and facilitating capacity
  • Supporting the adjustment of water integrity tools and methodologies to local and national conditions.
  • Any other practical measures and activities that are mutually agreed.

7. Communicate on governance issues such as WIN’s code of conduct and other modalities to ensure that principles and values related to promoting water integrity are adhered to by a sufficiently strong group of actors in national networks and coalitions.

8. Carry out joint review of progress in a year’s time.

9. Approval of the above would be made by the GWP-SAS Regional Council and Governing Boards of the respective CWPs and communicated to all the parties concerned.