Indonesia's water under policy reform

In order to assess how the new Indonesian water resources law adopts IWRM principles, it has been analysed according to the GWP ToolBox IWRM elements.

The analysis showed that the new Indonesian water law meets two important elements of IWRM – the enabling environment and institutional roles, while management instruments will need to be broadened.

Indonesia’s water and irrigation sectors face investment and management challenges, which, if not addressed, threaten economic development, food security and public health. Irreversible damage may be caused to the environment as it is suffering from inappropriate and ineffective laws, regulations, policies and institutions. Indonesia has recognised the need for reform, and over the past four years the country’s 30-year old water law has been improved to enhance integrated water resources management. The reform process shows how four key aspects of IWRM – its integrated nature, its emphasis on sustainability, its recognition of water as a valuable resource, and its insistence on participation – can be internalized into a nation’s legal, regulatory, institutional, financial, organisational, and administrative instruments for water resources management and development.

A longer summary and full case study is available at GWP ToolBox.