Knowledge sharing through local ToolBox

Partners and stakeholders in Southeast Asia now have a user-friendly, online IWRM database of case studies and reference materials. The idea for developing a GWP Southeast Asia (GWP-SEA) ToolBox was hatched in August 2005. Staff at GWP SEA thought that a ‘country gateway’ approach to the GWP ToolBox might help a user find country-specific information, covering river basins in his or her country, for example, or articles on water-related problems that the country was facing. A prototype GWP-SEA website was developed in 2006. The GWP-SEA ToolBox website was reconfigured in 2007 to host the online database of cases from other SEA countries. In 2008, country ToolBoxes for seven countries (Cambodia, Indonesia, Laos, Myanmar, Singapore, Thailand and Vietnam) were set up. These

are now being populated with country-specific information, including water-related laws and descriptions of the institutions in each country that are involved in IWRM.