Botswana Youth Heard on GWP Youth Strategy

GWP held a consultation in Gaborone, Botswana on July 20th 2013, where 20 young people met to discuss the development of the GWP Youth Strategy.

GWP is currently developing a Youth Strategy that aims to fully integrate young people in the organisation, at all levels, and on a broader scale.

The goal of the meeting in Gabarone was to get feedback from the members of Botswana Youth Water Action Team, a group engaged in water security issues on the local and national level in Botswana, on the draft of the Youth Strategy.

After an enthusiastic round of debating, the group expressed its support for the draft strategy. Nevertheless, different questions were raised, proposals for additional goals were made, and the youth team emphasized the need for clear implementation plans and mechanisms.

Work in Progress

A series of consultation meetings are being held to discuss the draft of the strategy. This allows GWP to gain the insights of different youth groups, and to ensure that the upcoming Youth Strategy can effectively address the needs of young people.

The Gabarone meeting was moderated by Bart Devos, President of the World Youth Parliament for Water, and organised with the support of GWP Botswana, the Kalahari Conversation Society, and the Botswana Youth Water Action Team.

Photo: The participants at the meeting in Gabarone.