Evaluating IWRM in Southern Africa

The Southern African Development Community (SADC) Secretariat is implementing the SADC Regional Strategic Action Plan on IWRM – III (SADC RSAP III) which is designed to provide a programmatic approach to facilitate the implementation of the Protocol on Shared Watercourses through the application of Integrated Water Resource Management (IWRM). GWP Southern Africa is an implementing partner for SADC providing programmatic support to the implementation of the RSAP III and is providing support to increasing engagement of stakeholders within the Phase III of the Transboundary Water Resources Management Programme.

GiZ on behalf of the governments of Germany (BMZ), Australia (AusAid) and the United Kingdom (UKAid) is supporting the implementation of the Transboundary Water Resources Management Programme Phase III in SADC.

GWP Southern Africa is facilitating four studies with the following objectives:

  • A study within the Orange – Senqu river basin aimed at assessing the most vulnerable areas, people and sensitive sectors. The study will also seek to establish the adaptive capacities of the local communities in the identified areas. The study is meant to build a social argument/case for the importance of investing in the adaptive capacities of the local communities so as to be able to cope with the impacts of climate change.
  • An assessment of water resources management and development financing in the SADC region (14 countries) in order to build an economic case/argument for increasing investment in the water sector with a view of increasing resilience to climate variability and climate change. The assessment is meant to provide a “reference framework” to help decision-makers think through the needs and options for funding Water Resource Management &Development, as well as the best use of existing resources in order for countries to be resilient in the face of climate change.
  • An assessment on how SADC countries are implementing the SADC Regional Water Policy. As countries are implementing areas within the RWP through national policies and legislation and in some cases by implementing actions on the ground, the assessment at national level will look into legislation and actions on the ground. The objective of the study will be to establish how far countries have gone in implementing the Regional Water Policy within their countries and also draw out experiences and lessons on implementation of different areas in the countries.
  • An assessment aimed at capturing local indigenous knowledge systems and practices in water resources management and development contributing to increased resilience of communities when faced with changing climatic conditions. The assessment will cover the SADC region and is meant to build a social argument/case for the importance of institutionalising these practices and thus allocate resources towards their promotion and preservation.

GWP Southern Africa finalised the development of the four concept notes during the month of February 2013 and held meetings with prospective consultants that will lead the studies. The work on concept finalisation and engagement of consultants is expected to be undertaken in the coming month.