Funding secured for climate change adaptation in southern Africa

In 2012, GWP Southern Africa secured 1.3 million from the Southern African Development Community (SADC) through the harmonised donor fund for transboundary water management to implement a project mainstreaming climate change in the SADC water sector. 

The harmonised fund is supported by Australia, Germany and the UK, with the lead taken by Germany through GIZ.

Previously, the SADC harmonised fund was not accessible to GWP. But by directly addressing the objectives of the SADC IWRM programme implementing the SADC Climate Change Adaptation Strategy for the Water Sector, GWP was able to convince SADC and the regional donors of the value of its involvement. Its track record and visibility in IWRM planning processes and in facilitating crosssector engagement, its leadership role on IWRM and climate change adaptation in the region, rich knowledge and stakeholder base were also significant points in GWP's favour.