Benin adopts integrated approach in new water policy

In Benin, four years of lobbying and workshops culminated in the adoption by the Government, in July 2009, of a new water policy based on the IWRM approach. GWP Benin led efforts, working with parliamentarians, ministries, civil society, local communities and water user organisations, and establishing a task force. GWP Benin also arranged for consultants to review the first draft of the policy and organised a national workshop to validate the final draft.

Now, the focus is on the water law soon to be brought before Parliament. GWP Benin continues to lead, arranging workshops and face-to-face discussions with the Parliamentary Commission to explain the importance of a proper legal framework for water management.

A key part of the strategy to develop a legal framework for water management in Benin was to engage the media. GWP Benin kept the Network of Journalists of Benin on Water and Sanitation fully briefed, providing information, background and stories on the issues. The resulting articles and radio programmes drew attention to the lack of a proper legal framework and how a new water law could provide this.